Browse Items (13 total)

League of German Girls Advertisement-1934.jpg
Members of the League of German Girls post advertisement for recruitment into their youth group.

Propaganda poster featuring the "new German man," a loyal and determined soldier. The text reads: "Unshakable, determined to fight, certain of victory!”

Reichsarbeitsdients poster
Propaganda poster for the Reich Labor Service

NSDAP rout in Nuremberg.jpg
This map shows the routs the Nazi party took when marching in parades around Nuremberg. In it the courthouse where the Nuremberg Trials were held is also marked

Mein Fuhrer- Elementary School Textbook.jpg
An image taken from an elementary school textbook, which portrays the allegiance to Hitler by the youth. The text followed within the textbook states, "I know you well, and love you as I do my father and mother. I will always be obedient to you as I…

Nazi Crusade.png
Propaganda poster from Nazi-occupied France, showing a "crusader" in the fight against Bolshevism.

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KdF propaganda.jpg

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World War II Infantry Recruitment Poster
Propaganda poster lauding the infantry as "queen of the services"

Hitler Youth Propaganda Poster.jpg
A form of propaganda for the purpose of recruiting young men into the Hitler Youth.

Propaganda poster of Dutch SS unit

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