Browse Items (12 total)

SS Oath to Hitler 1934.jpg
An image of an SS officer swearing his oath of allegiance to Adolf Hitler on February 25, 1934.

Leibstandarte Adolf Hilter 1936.jpg
Hitler's Bodyguard Regiment [SS-Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler] during a Six-Day Deployment (1936)

Waffen SS Parade Formation.jpg
An image of Hitler and Himmler inspecting a Waffen SS Military Division in full military regalia.

Fallen SS Troops in Berlin.jpg
This is an image of an immobilized half-track of the Waffen SS with SS troops killed in action in the streets of Berlin defending against the Russian Offensive.

Waffen SS Training.jpg
A picture taken of Dutch Volunteers in 1940 in the Waffen SS training camp performing physical training.

The Karabiner 98k was the standard issue bolt action rifle of the Wehrmacht and Waffen SS during World War II.

The Flak 40 128mm was one of the most prevalent large anti-air weapons used by the Third Reich during World War II, especially once the Luftwaffe lost air superiority and the allies began to bomb Germany heavily and would provide close air support…

The Half-Track was an essential part of the Waffen SS war machine due to the vast majority of the Waffen SS Divisions being mechanized and therefore making extensive use of Half-Tracks and Trucks.

Panzer 4.jpg
The Panzer 4 was the mainstay battle tank of the Nazi Wehrmacht and Waffen SS.

German and Russian Infantry in Melee Combat.jpg
A drawing of what melee combat in the Eastern Front would have looked like between the Russian and German Infantry. This kind of brutality was common between the Waffen SS and fanatic Communists of the Soviet Union.
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